Think Like a Man is based on the book, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man which is written by Steve Harvey. I read this book last year after it was recommended to me by a friend and I can quite cheerfully say that it is total pants. I find Steve Harvey's tone very patronising and as a lot of people say it is written for the lowest denominator. My main gripe with Act Like a Lady is that not only does it not tell you anything new but it steals bits from Why Men Marry Bitches by Sherry Argov, He's Just Not That Into You by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo and The Rules by Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider and re-packages the ideas into an urban version. Not clever at all. After I read the book I did hear that Will Packer had bought the rights to and was turning it into a film. It all went quiet until a few weeks back when the casting was announced; Michael Ealy and Taraji P Henson will play the couple in the film whose relationship is on the rocks with funny man, Kevin Hart as their counsellor. Rumour has it that Taraji's character will be a feisty high powered advertising executive with her eye on reaching the top while Michael's character is a laid back dreamer who aspires to work as a culinary chef. Well this should be interesting, Michael Ealy and Taraji P Henson are both known for their roles in quality films and are both stellar actors. Will Packer is a great producer but does not have a track record in making a film about the complexity of relationships. Yes he touched on it in Stomp da Yard and Takers but the love affair always played second fiddle to the main story line. Also I hear that Steve Harvey is down as producer - God help us all because if he has anything to do with it we may have another passion project in our faces. Still I really do like Michael and Taraji so maybe the film will be a great one.
Think Like a Man starts production this summer but no release date has been set yet.
Quote of the day: Jean Touitou on Agnès b
1 week ago
3 cool comments:
I'm not excited about this move. At all. Stomp the Yard and Takers were not romantic, as far as I could observe, so I'm even more sceptical about how much real depth this is going to have...or will it play to all the familiar stereotypes of Black love? UGH! I'm already weary just thinking about it... I can't see this going down well.
I have never completed the book. Not sure how the film will be. I wonder if it will be a case of the strong woman being submissive to a less powerful man who does not bring much to the tanle except a dream. mmm Steve Harvey the comedian
It makes sense that the contents of his book are not original. The general ideas have been out there for some time. He just put them together.
Had no idea that they were doing a movie. I will watch out for it. Thanks.
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