Ben De Lisi: Elegant evening dresses, wearable stuff that would not look out of place on the back of his Oscar lovvies.
Bora Aksu: Little dresses with lots of flavour and with a masculine edge.
Unconditional: A combo of his and hers, in your face with original shapes.
Gareth Pugh: My initial reaction to the first outfit he sent down the runway was "What a load of rubbish." Why? Because the model was wearing a sequined black smock dress with what resembled a box over her head. There were lots of weird and wacky designs. I really wasn't sure what to expect from fashion's golden boy but I left feeling very unimpressed. The fashionistas just lapped it up and Pugh boy got the loudest applause so far. They must know something I don't.
Julia Clancey: This show was totally the opposite, well for a start it was held at the Vauxhall Scout depot which is the venue for the off schedule. Clancey presented a collection of a variety of evening dresses that was so wearable that you felt like you had seen them before. In fact I felt a sense of deja vu when I saw the Grecian themed dresses floating down the runway. Is it just me or where they so last season. Not a bad collection though, very boutique like.
Eley Kishimoto: Talk about leaving the best till last. This collection rocked!! Based on a fairground theme, the Eley Kish joint venture was charming, original with tongue in cheek humour. Their use of colour was a real breath of fresh air. I loved it.
The highlights of LFW were Bora Aksu, Eley Kishimoto, meeting up with fellow Bloggers extraordinaire, Susie Style Bubble, Roller Girl and Michele from myfashionlife, getting a free MAC makeover with lots of free MAC goodies and people watching in the swish press room where journos from Rubbish (official newspaper for LFW) and new webite osoyou.com were hard at work.
The most amusing was seeing the paps fall over themselves to get a shot of socialite and general layabout Tara Palmer-Tomkinson and on/off WAG, Elen Rives who is Frank Lampard's other half at the Ben De Lisi show. The most amusing bordering embarrassing was seeing Big Brother's Ziggy queuing up for the Unconditional show. He looked as terrible in the flesh as he did on the show.
Well that's me all fashioned out so it is back to the day job.
Picture taken from londonfashionweek.co.uk
4 cool comments:
Couple of my mates are covering the Week. Was asked if I was taking pictures.. the whole idea of just snapping fashion pixs just doesn't appeal.. :-)
Why oh why do these dullards turn up to the shows?! xx
Ha ha, good commentaries and lovely to meet you!
Love the colors in that photo.
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