We see Ali come head to head with her evil ex-boss, battle with her sexy but devilish business partner and deal with snooty fashionistas to get her break in work and love. Our protagonist is played by Lenora Crichlow - who is pictured above - you know the feisty one in Sugar Rush and Being Human. She is joined by Dervla Kirwan who plays hotter than hot designer, Davina Bailey who is hell bent on hanging onto her crown. Michael Landes plays Ai's brilliant business partner, Marco who is determined to make her a star. Material Girl is set in the bustling and creative area of Brick Lane, East London and features witty and colourful characters of the fashion world alongside the passions of tight knit friendships. It has been described as a fun saga of a girl trying to make it in a competitive professional and personal world, with all the zest of a romantic Hollywood comedy. It sounds just like my cup of tea and I cannot wait till it airs on the BBC later this year.
Pictures from Contact Music
7 cool comments:
oh my god thats so exciting!
added you
i'm going to get the book before the show comes on!! Might get all of the 'babylon' series!!
BTW - I love your blog!!
V: Thanks for adding me. Yes the show sounds amazing, I think they are shooting now.
ShonaVixen: The Babylon books are really good fun to read. Thanks for the compliments, I like your blog too.
I loved Fashion Babylon!
You always have the scoop on the latest...love it. It sounds like a Devil Wears Prada/Sex and the City/Lipstick Jungle sort of programme - something the US do so well, so it will be interesting to see the British take on things.
LOl im so late I didnt know they were books!! I need to read them asap!
Wendy B: Fashion Babylon is one of my all time fav books.
Shanti: Thanks for the compliments, I do try. It does sound a bit Devil Wears Prada/S&TC/Lipp Jungley. I can't wait to see it.
Angel: You are missing out. I have all the books so you can borrow them.
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