Most of us reach a mini crisis point in our lives when we think ‘Help, I’ve not done half the things I planned to do when I was younger.’ For some this can result in a total meltdown or for others it can lead to something positive and creative. This is what Wendi Bekoe experienced earlier a few years ago when she reached a landmark bday and this lead to the creation of This Person Called Me which is a blog which is the diary of her inner thoughts. This year she followed that up with Wendi B Writes which covers topical issues on social and popular culture. Wendi is a busy lady, when she is not blogging she is holding down her nine to five job and also freelances for Candy magazine. I caught up with her to find out where she blogs.
Describe the concept of your blogs
My This Person Called Me blog started a few months before I turned 30, and it was an online diary for me to vent my panic and frustrations at not being where I wanted to be or where I thought I should be as a 30 year-old. Since then it has become a witty, sometimes sad, but very honest account of my progression in finding a relationship and career I can be happy with. Wendi B Writes is a blog predominantly aimed at women, but of course everyone is welcome. It consists of topics, features and discussions relating to anything to do with social and popular culture. A lot of the topics come from things I see, experience, or just generally chat about with friends. I also have a section called Who Remembers? that features anything old school we remember growing up. The blog is also a portfolio of pieces I have had published elsewhere.
Where do you scribe?
Usually at home on the sofa, in front of the television, or sometimes at work on my lunch break... and maybe after my lunch break too... Shh!
Why that place?
The sitting room is the most comfortable place for me (apart from my bed, but my wireless internet doesn’t stretch as far as my room!) and I have the Sky TV there and family wondering around, who I can run ideas across. I’m not actually one of those people who can work in silence; I like to take inspiration from things going on around me.
What is on your sofa at the moment?
Right now cushions, a notepad and pen, my Blackberry and hands-free kit, and myself.
What form of inspiration do you have on the wall?
I don’t have any visual inspiration up on the walls, I find that I rather jot down things I see or ideas I have in my notebook. But I do have a vision board in my room, with buzz words and images that I’m gradually working towards achieving.
Do you keep a tidy office or are you a messy worker?
Since I live at home I don’t have an office space, but in terms of my bedroom I’d say I have an organised mess! So to the naked eye it may look untidy, but I know where everything is.
Check out Wendi's blog, This Person Called Me and Wendi B Writes.
You can follow her on Twitter.
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