Well that was the fashion month that was and boy was it one hell of a month. I had a really fabulous time doing Fashioning February, I had the pleasure of featuring Sasha Wilkes Liberty London Girl as Blogger of the Month and Jennine Jacobs from The Coveted about the Evolving Influence IFB Conference. This season I had the pleasure of seeing more shows than I have ever done before and despite my weary arms and feet, it was well worth it. I also bumped into a few blogger mates such as Nneoma from TwentyTenEightyFour, Muireann from Bangs and a Bun, Archna from Punchbowl Blog, Navaz from Disney Roller Girl, Keysha from The Cocoa Diaries and Marian Kihogo and met some lovely new ones such as Christine from Very Nice Threads, Omoyemi from Style House Files and Hannah from Bow Dream Nation.
Following suit from a few fashion bloggers, here are my numbers for London Fashion Week.
Shows attended: 15
Glasses of champagne: 4
Cups of tea in the BFC Press Lounge: 5
Blackberry photos taken: 74 (this surprises me - I had no idea I took that many)
Camera photos taken: 101
Celebrities spotted: 8
Interviews taken: 2
Visits to MAC lounge: 1
Bloggers met and greeted: 12
Well that's all folks, I hope you enjoyed Fashioning February and I will see you same time next year.
You can check out all the posts from the Fashioning February series here.
Calvin Klein: Nostalgia or Now?
4 days ago
2 cool comments:
Lovely to see you- as always. Blackberry photos are so good I don't know why I bother with my camera!
I know how you feel, I love my camera but the quality of the camera on my phone is so good that I no longer need it. Ah well, I guess it is all swings and roundabouts eh.
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