Jen Holmes's blog is a mixture of outfit posts and witty observations about the fashion industry as well as on the fashion blogging community. Not many people get to do what they love for a living but Jen is one of those lucky ones. She works as an online writer and web editor and also runs her blog, A Little Bird Told Me in her spare time. So passionate is she about her craft that she has penned a hilarious post called, The Lazy Girl's Guide to Blogging which offers lots of useful tips on how to maintain a great blog. Jen's other passion is scouting round charity shops for amazing pieces which is something she covers in another wonderful guidebook that she does so well - The Lazy Girl's Guide to Thrifting. Jen has been blogging since 2008 and her wonderful way of words has gained her a whole heap of followers. I caught up with her to find out where she writes her fantastic blog.
Describe the concept of your blog.
A Little Bird Told Me is a fashion and lifestyle blog, but it's also a space for me to write about my life, my likes and dislikes and to showcase brands and companies I love. Eventually, I want it to become a thriving community, where like-minded people come to share thoughts on style in all its guises.
Where do you scribe?
I write most posts from my sofa, usually curled up with music playing and candles flickering.
Why that place?
I live in a two bed flat and my boyfriend's a musician who plays the guitar, piano and drums - there's not much space. In the absence of a proper office (how I long for a big oak desk and an iMac), the sofa is a comfortable, relaxed space where I can concentrate on the words without distraction.
What is on your sofa at the moment?
A crochet blanket I picked up at a car boot sale last year, my MacBook, my Kindle, my Blackberry, my Canon (I'm slightly gadget-obsessed), a Moleskin notebook and a pen.
What form of inspiration do you have on the wall.
I love illustration and have a few pieces displayed around the living room. Photography is becoming a bit of a hobby so there are lots of photos displayed in the mismatched frames I pick up on my charity shop travels. I have various inspiration folders on my computer too. But mostly, my inspiration comes from the notes I jot in my Moleskin. I carry it with me everywhere.
Do you keep a tidy office or are you a messy worker?
I'm relatively tidy... I don't like mess but I do like organised clutter. I think a work space should reflect the nature of the work, so mine is often surrounded by magazines opened at folded-over pages, scrawled notes about outfits I've seen and seasonal look books, along with the necessary technology. Before I leave my space I'll gather things into hasty piles - an attempt at that 'organised clutter' thing.
You can read Jen's blog here.
You can follow her on Twitter.
Sweater girls at Hermès AW25
1 day ago
2 cool comments:
That owl pillow is too cute and Moleskins are a must. Nice profile!
well done Jen, I admire the way you're able to work from your sofa. I find my back gets sore there from not enough support! Thanks ondolady for introducing me to a fab blogger
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